Filehippo, the best site for free software!

Freeware Programs, PC Programs and Software, PC Security Add a comment! is a great resource of freeware software for everyone. Filehippo’s nice site layout allows easy navigation to the software that you need. They offer a great range of software from anti virus to peer to peer. This is great for the end user because they have a large variety to browse, plus they can download as much as they like and not have to pay a cent.

Another feature of the site is having a “Most Popular Downloads” page. This lets you know what is popular and gives you a chance to see what are people are downloading. Overall, this is a great resource for any kind of internet user.

One Response to “Filehippo, the best site for free software!”

  1. jennetwz Says:

    Yo everyone! 😀
    Im new to
    Hope I can be a regular here!

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